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Amid proliferation of cryptocurrencies and other new forms of store of value, central banks around the world have been cautious so far in developing a digital currency of their own. They have been sticking to their traditional mandates to use monetary policy to foster employment, ensure price stability, and prevent financial risks.

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Among them, 771 delegates are from frontline production and manufacturing, including workers, farmers, and technicians, accounting for 33.7 percent of the total, up by 3.2 percentage points from five years ago.

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Amazon’s newest acquisition is a New York-based company called Body Labs, according to a report by TechCrunch this afternoon, citing two anonymous sources familiar with the deal.


Among the parents interviewed, 68.9 percent were parents of primary students, 24.3 percent were parents of junior high students and 6.8 were parents of high school students.


Among them, a few popular livestreaming platforms, such as gaming site Douyu and video-sharing platform Bilibili, were criticized and punished during the campaign after being found to have spread vulgar content.


