

发布时间: 2024-05-13 04:45:01北京青年报社官方账号

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Amazon’s appetite for disrupting retail appears as if it will never be sated. In the past two years, we’ve seen them launch bookstores, add a restaurant delivery service, integrate shopping capabilities into its voice-controlled home assistant Alexa, and beta test an innovative urban grocery store with a virtual checkout.


Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of online sexual assaults against children has surged globally. Experts at an online forum held on Tuesday called for countries to strengthen global cooperation to tackle the issue.


Amazon’s urban forest will include 10,000 plants from 3,000 different?species, and Amazon?now has a horticulturist on staff.?The idea to fill the spheres with plants?came out of internal research showing that employees need a connection to nature.


Amazon’s next big games project is the massively-multiplayer online RPG New World, currently under development at Amazon Game Studios Orange County. New World, set in the mid-1600s, lets players compete or cooperate with one another as they fight to survive and eventually thrive on a fictional continent based roughly on the British territories in North America. Amazon has been relatively tight-lipped about New World, but a surprise leak last year indicated that the game will include resource management, crafting, and supernatural elements such as hostile zombies.


Amazon’s worldwide employment?exceeded?306,000 people in the third quarter — surpassing 300,000 employees for the first time as the Seattle-based tech company dramatically expands its reach across the digital and physical worlds, growing?far beyond its roots as an online bookseller.


